Roberto Rognoni, born in Cittiglio (Varese). Graduated in Economics and Commerce in Milan, lives and works in San Donato Milanese. He started to photograph in 1965 separating his research work into subjects such as: theatre, travel, landscape, architecture, social and documentary reportage and video. --> | 
| MTM-Quelli di Grock/T. Litta  | In this second folder I present a small selection of the photos taken during public performances and, in few cases, during rehearsals, from 2003 up to 2017. -> |
| Art'sPhoto  | A portfolio and a video on a subject in which I took my interest through many years with the purpose of shooting "original" images. See also video section in the italian home page. -> |
| Saintes Maries de la mer  | An exhibition realized in 1991/92 and scheduled at the Milan PhohoFestival 2014, Palazzo Bovara. -> |