Roberto Rognoni was born in 1943 in Cittiglio, in the province of Varese. Graduated in Economics and Commerce in Milan, he lives and works in San Donato Milanese.
He began photographing in 1965, identifying very specific and limited themes for his research: theatre, travel and landscape photographs, documentary-social reportage, architectural photographs and photographic audiovisuals.



In 1999 he promoted the establishment of the Historical Photographic Archive of the City of San Donato Milanese and was its curator until 2023. 
In 2021 the Municipality of San Donato Milanese awarded him the Civic Merit for his photographic activity.

He collaborates with the magazine FOTOIT (Editrice FIAF). He is editor of the TIMELINE magazine of the FIAF Audiovisual Department and of the online magazine “Il”.
He is a FIAF and DiAF teacher and a FIAF and DiAF photographic portfolio and audiovisual reader.
Former Corporate, Provincial, Regional Delegate and President of the Board of Auditors of the FIAF for 3 consecutive mandates in the 90s.

In 1982 he was awarded the honor of B.F.I. by the Italian Federation of Photographic Associations (F.I.A.F.) of Turin. (Meritorious of Italian Photography), in 1987 by A.F.I.(Italian Photographer Artist), in 2018 AV B.F.I. (Meritorious of Italian Photography in the Audiovisual field) and in 2023 the recognition "A life with the FIAF".

He was registered in the National Register of Journalists (Publicists list) from 1996 to 2006.

He was Editorial Director of the monthly "L' Incontro" of the ENI Polo Sociale of San Donato from 1992 to 1999.

From 1994 to 2015 he was the official stage photographer of theQuelli di Grock Theater Company in Milan and from 2015 to 2017 of Manifatture Teatrali Milanesi and the Teatro i in Milan.

From 2001 to 2006 he was the official stage photographer of the Danae Festival in Milan, organized by the Teatro delle Moire. He has also collaborated with other important Italian and foreign companies.

Member of the Milanese Photographic Club since 1976, founding member of the "Ventura" Photographic Club of San Donato Milanese, formerly the Photographic Section of the ENI Polo Sociale of San Donato, of which he was President for over 20 years.

Images of him are permanently inserted in the FIAF National Photo Library of Turin and in the Archive of the Italian Center of Author Photography in Bibbiena, in the National Museum of Photography “cav. A. Sorlini” of Brescia and in the Civica Nazionale Fototeca “T. Casiraghi” in Sesto S. Giovanni (MI).

He has received numerous awards in photography competitions from the 70s to today.

He has always combined the creation of images with a personal commitment to the diffusion of photographic culture throughout the country.



He coordinated the research "Images of other times" and "Being elderly today in San Donato Milanese", whose images were collected in two volumes published respectively in 1982 and 1984 by the Circolo Culturale San Donato Milanese.

In 1994 he published the research “theatre & image”; in 2004 “Images of images”; in 2003 the celebratory catalog of the Danae dance theater festival in Milan was created entirely with photos of him.

In 1999 he coordinated the drafting of the texts of the monograph "Digital photography", published by FIAF.

In 2006 he coordinated the creation of the publication "The images tell San Donato that changes" and in 2016 of the publication "San Donato tells itself" both dedicated to the exhibitions of photos from the Historical Photographic Archive of the City of San Donato Milanese.

In 2008 the Teatro delle Moire published the book “Anatomies of a scenic body”, published by Electa, with a wide selection of his photos.

In 2013, Quelli di Grock published the book “Quelli di Grock Story”, about their artistic history through twenty years of his stage photos.

In 2024 he published the book “Ancora mi sorprendo”, published by Immedia Editrice, as part of the Monographic Series of the Italian Federation of Photographic Associations.

He collaborated from 1992 to 2004 on the magazine “Tutti Fotografi”, published by Editrice Progresso in Milan.

There are also numerous photographs of him published in sector magazines.


The first exhibitions date back to the end of the seventies, in Italy and abroad.

The most important in Milan at the Teatro Litta (2003) and at the “Images on the road” space of Giovenzana Multistores (2004); in Busto Arsizio at the Galleria della Libreria Boragna (2004); in San Donato Milanese in Cascina Roma at the Gallery of Contemporary Art (2004); in Cesano Boscone at Villa Marazzi (2005); in Cremona Monteverdi Theater (2006); at Seravezza Fotografia, former Scuderie Medicee (2008); in Sesto S. Giovanni at the Civica Fototeca Nazionale (2010); in Brescia at the National Museum of Photography (2010); in San Donato Milanese in Cascina Roma at the Gallery of Contemporary Art (2013); in Milan at the Corrente Foundation (collective 2014), in Milan at Palazzo Bovara as part of the Photofestival (2014), in Lodi (MI) collective as part of the Off Circuit of the Ethical Photography Festival (2019).

In Milan: Cascina Biblioteca (2019), Giocamilano as part of the Photofestival (2019), Spazio HUS collective (2019-20-21), Photofestival Lavoramilano (2020), Photofestival Biblioteca Comunale Dergano Bovisa (2021) and Palazzo Castiglioni Collettiva Produzione Photofestival (2022).
In Binasco (MI), collective exhibition at the MUMAC-Coffee Machine Museum (2022).



On behalf of the Department of Culture of the Municipality of San Donato Milanese in 1999 she curated the exhibition "San Donato yesterday and today", in 2006 the exhibition "The images tell the story of San Donato che Cambia" and in 2016 the exhibition "San Donato tells its story" . In 2007, Francesco Ventura's exhibition “Fra la gente” in San Donato, Cascina Roma, Gallery of Contemporary Art.

In 2017 together with others in the GuardaMI exhibition organized by the Circolo Fotografico Milanese at the Cultural Center of Milan as part of the Photofestival.

In 2021, on behalf of the Department of Culture of the Municipality of San Donato Milanese, the exhibition "Moro Brothers Photographers in the Great War", at Cascina Roma, Gallery of Contemporary Art, also dealing with the digital reproduction of the original prints. In 2023 in San Donato, Cascina Roma, "Images of other times".

Instagram: rognoberto

Facebook: roberto.rognoni.39